Commonly asked questions relating to product wear and tear, replacement components, equipment limitations, and much more. Don't see your question? Post it in our forums!

What does “SKED” stand for?

Though we spell it with capital letters, SKED is not an acronym. It came from fusing two words: “Sled” and “Skid.” The early idea behind the product was that it was a SLED that SKIDDED across all types of terrain. Initially, the SKED was used as a game carrier to tote wild game back to a hunter’s camp. It has since morphed into the life-saving device that’s used today, all across the globe. Like many iconic products that are the first of its kind in the market, the brand has come to epitomize the thing itself.

When does the SKED stretcher need to be replaced?

We have no time limit on when the SKED needs to be replaced because different rescue professionals use it in different ways for different lengths of time. If there is any damage to your stretcher, please reevaluate if you should be using it. If you have questions, please call us at 800-770-SKED (7533).

What should I do if my SKED is missing a grommet?

SKEDCO uses two grommets that can be found at any local hardware store. There are two different sizes: the smaller grommet is a size 3, and the larger is a size 5.

What should I do if the straps on my SKED are starting to fray?

We have replaceable straps – the SK-208c. The SKED-EVAC Aluminum Side Release Buckle Conversion Kit features Austrian-made Skedco/Cobra side release buckles. These buckles are dependable and strong enough to meet the needs of securing a patient into a SKED stretcher without the danger of breaking the buckle. Please go to the SKED-EVAC Aluminum Side Release Buckle Conversion Kit product description page for more information. 

NOTE: We do not sell the buckles that came with your SKED originally because they need to be sewn onto the unit. If you would like to have the same buckles, you will need to purchase a new SKED.

What is the SKED’s maximum weight allowance?

The greatest weight we’ve heard of the SKED carrying was a 1300lb individual. Please read the entire story in the SK-200-OR product description page, under “Heavy Duty Story.”

What are the measurements of the SKED?

Rolled into a Cordura back pack: 9 inch diameter x 36 inch length
Laid out flat: 3 feet x 8 feet

What is the temperature range?

The SKED plastic withstands temperature as low as 120 degrees Fahrenheit below zero without becoming brittle.

Do your free instructional videos come in different languages?

No. However, they are designed to show the customer how to use the SKED so it would be beneficial to anyone viewing the video.


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